Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My Methods On Choosing A Gps Device System | LandPark

Posted in 2012/11/26 ? 6:37 PMh.Hena Parks

To start with, why is it that you desire a motorola golf gps watch? What you should examine initially that may help in precisely why we desire a unit is, what is actually your way of living like? Have you been using such things as a map and / or checking on the internet for information frequently? Certainly if you are performing these things you actually might be interested in a good solid GPS. So at this point we understand exactly why we require 1, however what other things should we be thinking about?

Since you may have seen the alternatives currently available in comparison to a few years previously seem to be infinite. Generally speaking as a result of what we have observed is generally there seem to be 3 choices and these are, mobile, fixed and the wrist variety. Knowing your own spending limit is also a must after deciding on a type since the choices are so large and wide-ranging so that is definitely our next step inside this process.

I will not directly link to the files, because they are copy-written. This video is strictly for the purpose of installing backed-up map files or custom map files. I DO NOT CONDONE PIRACY. if you are looking for 2012 map files because your backup was damaged, i would search the mac doesn?t seem to completely delete the? old map file off the device Garmin 1300, 1350 and 1490 users!! The ?gmapprom.img? file is no longer in the root directory of your? gps. Garmin does this on purpose so that you don?t get yo maps for free! Here?s the secret location of the gmapprom: There is a hidden folder on your device called ?.SYSTEM? ? its so hidden that even if you?ve got ?view hidden folders? enabled, you still won?t be able to see it. You can get to that folder using your address bar: ?H:.System? (replace H with your drive letter)

Exactly like I mentioned within the past paragraph, these products come in all shapes and sizes so that is yet another aspect to look at after we understand each of our financial budgets. Perhaps some thing small just like the watch type is perfect for you because it is so hassle-free and easy to take away with you. I know I prefer to grip things within my hand, so a unit about the size of a mobile phone works for this. Or are you interested in a unit that you quite simply permanently install in your automobile or perhaps bicycle, only to be detached to switch or re-charge the actual battery packs? As soon as we narrow down these options we are going to look for the best system for us so performing these suggestions first is useful for us all.

Other factors to think about immediately after figuring out your finances and just what type you would be needing is the additional features of the devices. Things such as screen size and the quality of the picture are two of the top items I look out for in my feature list. Next, I think about the manufacturer and of course if they supply regular map revisions or if they want to charge for those revisions. Various other assorted features to take a peek into are: Memory, Does it remember travel times if you enjoy biking? Have you considered lap times?

An exciting new function in some places is actually these products can show you traffic. Throughout Europe now this is quite common. If you ask me I have found this option to be very helpful and has kept me from sitting in traffic for many hours on the insane freeway.

Some sort of hands-free model is the next thing we would consider investigating. Considering the towns and cities and the brand-new distracted driving laws and regulations this really is very useful for a unit. Buying a model with this particular hands-free feature could be of substantial significance as well because merely 1 ticket for this particular violation is a lot more then the actual price of this feature.

I hope these pointers we have here do help in the difficult personal choice of choosing a handheld gps garmin etrex for your car or truck or perhaps your mountain bike trips. Mind-boggling is not a expression we want to use in searching for an ideal Handheld GPS unit for this reason we have produced this article according to our own previous experiences in buying systems for our car together with our own bicycles. Soon after finding your way through every one of these simple actions the final result we?d like for here is that you really get a product which offers everything you need for a number of years.

Hunting For A Gps Device ? Ways To Choose One

Tags: actual battery packs, root directory, Handheld GPS, old map file, map file

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

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Read Playboy ? for the Interviews

Legendary US singer Frank Sinatra in April 1968 at Orly airport in Paris. Frank Sinatra in April 1968 at Orly airport in Paris

AFP/AFP/Getty Images.

Every weekend, Longform shares a collection of great stories from its archive with Slate. For daily picks of new and classic nonfiction, check out Longform or follow @longform on Twitter. Have an iPad? Download Longform?s app to read the latest picks, plus features from dozens of other magazines, including Slate.

Hey, a chance to actually read Playboy for the articles! Or, rather, the interviews. Playboy published its first interview 50 years ago, and to celebrate the anniversary the magazine has put out a series of ebook compilations of its favorite conversations. The series, 50 Years of Playboy Interviews, is available on Amazon. Below, reprinted in full and for free, are six we particularly enjoyed.

Frank Sinatra
Interviewed by Joe Hyams ? February 1963????????

Playboy: Many explanations have been offered for your unique ability?apart from the subtleties of style and vocal equipment?to communicate the mood of a song to an audience. How would you define it?

Sinatra: I think it?s because I get an audience involved, personally involved in a song?because I?m involved myself. It?s not something I do deliberately: I can?t help myself. If the song is a lament at the loss of love, I get an ache in my gut. I feel the loss myself and I cry out the loneliness, the hurt and the pain that I feel.

Playboy: Doesn?t any good vocalist ?feel? a song? Is there such a difference.?

Sinatra: I don?t know what other singers feel when they articulate lyrics, but being an 18-karat manic-depressive and having lived a life of violent emotional contradictions, I have an overacute capacity for sadness as well as elation. I know what the cat who wrote the song is trying to say. I?ve been there?and back. I guess the audience feels it along with me. They can?t help it. Sentimentality, after all, is an emotion common to all humanity.

Playboy: Of the thousands of words which have been written about you on this subject, do you recall any which have accurately described this ability?

Sinatra: Most of what has been written about me is one big blur, but I do remember being described in one simple word that I agree with. It was in a piece that tore me apart for my personal behavior, but the writer said that when the music began and I started to sing, I was ?honest.? That says it as I feel it. Whatever else has been said about me personally is unimportant. When I sing, I believe. I?m honest. If you want to get an audience with you, there?s only one way. You have to reach out to them with total honesty and humility. This isn?t a grandstand play on my part; I?ve discovered?and you can see it in other entertainers?when they don?t reach out to the audience, nothing happens. You can be the most artistically perfect performer in the world, but an audience is like a broad?if you?re indifferent, endsville. That goes for any kind of human contact: a politician on television, an actor in the movies, or a guy and a gal. That?s as true in life as it is in art.

Steve Jobs
Interviewed by David Sheff ? February 1985???????

Playboy: You?ve said that the business market is crucial for you to conquer with Macintosh. Can you beat IBM at work?

Jobs: Yes. The business market has several sectors. Rather than just thinking of the Fortune 500, which is where IBM is strongest, I like to think of the Fortune 5,000,000 or 14,000,000. There are 14,000,000 small businesses in this country. I think that the vast group of people who need to be computerized includes that large number of medium and small businesses. We?re going to try to be able to bring some meaningful solutions to them in 1985.

Jobs: Our approach is to think of them not as businesses but as collections of people. We want to qualitatively change the way people work. We don?t just want to help them do word processing faster or add numbers faster. We want to change the way they can communicate with one another. We?re seeing five-page memos get compressed to one-page memos because we can use a picture to express the key concept. We?re seeing less paper flying around and more quality of communication. And it?s more fun. There?s always been this myth that really neat, fun people at home all of a sudden have to become very dull and boring when they come to work. It?s simply not true. If we can inject that liberal-arts spirit into the very serious realm of business, I think it will be a worthwhile contribution. We can?t even conceive of how far it will go.?

George Carlin
Interviewed by Sam Merrill ? January 1982

Playboy: Is that something you did on one of your coke runs after all the nuts and bolts were sorted?

Carlin: There are two types of people: One strives to control his environment, the other strives not to let his environment control him. I like to control my environment, because I feel if I have my physical space in order, then I?m free to dream. So there is some compulsion involved. But the dividend I get is the freedom to be totally disorderly in my dreamworld.

Playboy: What about all these hundreds of signs you have on the walls? Although they?re all very interesting and funny, they?re also obviously stolen.

Carlin: I guess that makes me part vandal, part museum curator.

Playboy: Do you enjoy stealing?

Carlin: I think it keeps the child alive in me. There?s a thrill when you steal something in plain view of other people. When you drop a newspaper over a sign and walk away with it, or take something off a wall and the sound of the glue ripping makes people turn around. Your heart is racing, it?s a rush.

Playboy: The one in the bathroom is marvelous: ?The Maclaine Hotel Commemorative Nixon Visit, 1968.? And Nixon signed it at the bottom.

Vladimir Nabokov
Interviewed by Alvin Toffler ? January 1964

Playboy: While we?re on the subject of self-appraisal, what do you regard as your principal failing as a writer?apart from forgettability?

Nabokov: Lack of spontaneity; the nuisance of parallel thoughts, second thoughts, third thoughts; inability to express myself properly in any language unless I compose every damned sentence in my bath, in my mind, at my desk.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov, Russian novelist and short story writer, 1969. Vladimir Nabokov in 1969

Photo by Horst Tappe.

Playboy: You?re doing rather well at the moment, if we may say so.

Nabokov: It?s an illusion.

Playboy: Your reply might be taken as confirmation of critical comments that you are ?an incorrigible leg puller,? ?a mystificator? and ?a literary agent provocateur.? How do you view yourself?

Nabokov: I think my favorite fact about myself is that I have never been dismayed by a critic?s bilge or bile, and have never once in my life asked or thanked a reviewer for a review. My second favorite fact?or shall I stop at one?

Playboy: No, please go on.

Nabokov: The fact that since my youth?I was 19 when I left Russia?my political outlook has remained as bleak and changeless as an old gray rock. It is classical to the point of triteness. Freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of art. The social or economic structure of the ideal state is of little concern to me. My desires are modest. Portraits of the head of the government should not exceed a postage stamp in size. No torture and no executions. No music, except coming through earphones, or played in theaters.

Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert
Interviewed by David Sheff ? October 1995

Siskel: As a critic, I try very hard to say exactly what I think. And in a medium in which we are well-known for the binary thumbs up and thumbs down, I try to be able to give the mixed review. But most pictures fall into that middle ground, so I wrestle over which way my thumb is going to turn. It?s not flip.

Ebert: I actually respect Gene?he?s an extremely good, highly competent and skilled journalist. He?s always on the phone and he usually knows things, like, Who?s in town? When can I get to them? How can I do this without his finding out?

Playboy: You praise his reporting, but the question was about Gene as a critic.

Ebert: To my way of thinking, he?s lacking in enthusiasm. He?s just a little bit too standoffish and cold about the movies. He thinks the movie is going to be shit, and if it is, that just confirms his suspicions. I go to the movies anticipating a good time. Gene goes fearing a bad time. My glass is half full, his glass is half empty. These are two fundamentally different personalities at work, and they reflect themselves in our reviewing.

Siskel: I?ve heard Roger say that before and I don?t believe it?s true. I want movies to be good. I?d have to be a masochist to want them to be bad. But if you were to stop me any day and say, ?Gene, do you expect to see a good movie or a bad movie today?? I would tell you I?m expecting to see a bad movie. The reason is that most of the movies I see are bad. I?m being practical in telling you that most of the things that people create aren?t all that interesting, and that?s too bad. What keeps me going is that I have a strong desire to see something great. And when I see it, it lasts for a long time.

Ebert: One of the big differences between Gene and me is in the area of competence. Gene prides himself on being incompetent when it comes to anything technical. He actually becomes retrograde. No human being alive has had more trouble with computers than Gene Siskel has.

Snoop Dogg
Interviewed by David Sheff ? October 1995

Playboy: So it?s not about only money?

Dogg: Yeah. It?s like having nothing, no hope, nothing. Look at the way they?re letting gangs and shit go on so there is black-on-black crime and murder. What does it show? It shows they don?t give a fuck. I could show you a picture of my Pop Warner football team. There were 28 homies on that team. Twelve are dead. Seven are in the penitentiary. Three are smoked out. If they ain?t dead or in jail or smoked out, they do the gang thing, sell dope. I can?t look at that picture and say, ?Well, hey, he went to college. He got a degree. Hey, that?s little Johnnie Cochran.? I can?t speak from that shit, because I don?t know nobody in that. I?m 24. To see 24 is an accomplishment. I?ve seen a lot of my homies burned.

Playboy: You finished high school. Were you tempted to drop out?

Dogg: Hell yeah. I was making money. By the time I got to 12th grade I was making $1000 a week.

Playboy: Then why did you remain in school?

Dogg: It was fun. I was popular as fuck in school. I was fun to be around. Motherfuckers loved me for my rap, they loved me because I made them laugh. Whenever I was in class, I fucked with the teachers, I fucked with the students. I wasn?t yearbook class clown or funniest person, but the motherfuckers knew me. I rapped at lunchtime and quick as fuck the crowd got bigger. The principal tried to suspend me, telling me I started a riot at the school. I said, I?m just rapping. These motherfuckers want to hear what I?m saying. So the principal said OK, you can do it.

Have a favorite piece that we missed? Leave the link in the comments or tweet it to @longform. For more great writing, check out Longform?s complete archive.


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Olfactory Overload Causes White Smell

60-Second Science

Combining a wide variety of odors gives rise to a nondescript scent, just as combining colors of many wavelengths generates white light. Karen Hopkin reports.

More 60-Second Science

Your morning coffee. A baking pie. That turkey in the oven. There are some smells you just can?t get enough of. But mix them and other scents all together and you get, well, nothing much.

According to a new study, a mash-up of 20 or 30 different odors gives you something entirely nondescript: almost a non-smell, if you will. The finding appears in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [Tali Weiss et al, Perceptual convergence of multi-component mixtures in olfaction implies an olfactory white]

If you?ve ever taken physics, you might remember that combining colors of many different wavelengths generates light that?s white. And blending sounds of many different frequencies produces white noise.

Well, researchers got to wondering whether there?s an equivalent phenomenon for olfaction: call it ?white smell.? So they whipped up various combinations of 80 distinct chemicals and had volunteers take a whiff. When the olfactory ingredient list topped 30, one cocktail smelled pretty much the same as any other, even when the mixtures didn?t have a single ingredient in common.

The scent was not unpleasant. A professional perfumer called it ?aromatic,? which is like saying that the light was, well, light. So enjoy the smells of the holiday season. But try not to sniff too many at once.

?Karen Hopkin

[The above text is a transcript of this podcast]


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Monday, November 26, 2012

4 Skills It Takes To Make Your Marriage Thrive | World of Psychology

Making Your Marriage Thrive: 4 Tips That May HelpThis guest article from YourTango was written by?Teresa Maples.

Many women and men dismiss bits of information about their partner that turn out to be warning signs for future trouble. These subtle feelings are actually your gut telling you to pay attention to something.

During the early phase of marriage, most people want to see the good in their spouse. Overall, I think this is a good strategy. However, it is also important and healthy to be able to trust your gut when you feel there is a problem in your relationship and address it with your spouse.

Trusting your gut involves some basic skills, so let?s look at four tips that may help improve the chances of your marriage thriving.

1. Awareness of your body sensations ? What is your gut telling you?

This involves paying attention to your heartbeat rate, pain in your heart, tightness in your chest, weight on your shoulders, intestinal distress and other sensations as indicators to pay attention to your feelings.

For example, early in my marriage, I overlooked my gut feelings. I did not have words for them. My husband would talk a lot, tell stories and generally be entertaining. This is a great quality about him; anyone would say he is a great story teller. At the time, I saw his story telling as a positive since I was relieved from my responsibility to communicate, due to my shyness and insecurity. I actually pushed my body sensations aside and did not pay attention to them.

It worked for me at the time. However over time, my body sensations began to emerge as tightness in my throat, pressure in my chest and pain in my heart. I knew then there was something wrong. I then had to find words for the bodily sensations I felt. I developed a deep resentment towards him and didn?t know why.

2. Vocabulary to identify subtle feelings.

Once you have identified your bodily sensation, you can begin to identify the feeling associated with it. Most people will identify with feelings of sad, mad or glad. But there are deeper feelings which fuel these basic catagories of feelings. Some of these deeper feelings can be fear of rejection, fear of loneliness or fear of abandonment.

I had to learn to accept my sad and mad feelings. Then after digging deeper, I found that I felt cast aside, rejected and abandoned by my husband when he told his stories. He would be the center of attention and I would be in a pity party with myself.

3. Courage to communicate your feelings to your partner.

Talking about deep feelings is a courageous act. When we risk exposing ourselves in a deep way we risk being hurt by the other person. Ultimately we have to decide if it is worth the risk of being exposed and connected fully and authentically with another person. Hiding parts of who we are out of fear leaves us disconnected and not really known.

Once I identified my deep feelings, I had to take responsibility for myself and be more assertive. I needed to communicate and share who I was with my husband and with other people. I knew that if I wanted to be known by him I had to be willing to work through any reaction he might display. I had to have courage to risk his disapproval or rejection if he reacted to my deep feelings. Actually, by the time I did share my feelings with him, I was determined to be known regardless the cost.

4. Problem solving skills to address the situation with your partner for a win-win outcome.

Sometimes when you change a behavior in a relationship it is confusing to your partner. Through couples counseling you can learn new ways of relating to each other that work better for both of you. Helping your partner to thrive will improve your satisfaction in the relationship.

My husband and I learned to resolve differences with help. I learned to take care of my social needs and he learned to allow space for others to tell their stories too. My husband?s determination to find a win-win solution helped us grow closer together.

Always remember relationships are messy ? there is no way around that fact. Negotiating the intimate details of our lives is risky. Every person has gut feelings. Working through these feelings is what makes for a healthy marriage or couple-ship.


If you would like more information to make your Couple-ship Thrive please sign up for my newsletter. You may also connect with me on my website Teresa Maples LMHC, CSAT and on twitter.


More marriage advice from YourTango Experts:

Contributed by, an online magazine dedicated to love, life and relationships. From dating to marriage, parenting to empty-nest, relationship challenges to relationship success, YourTango is at the center of the conversations that are closest to our over 3 million readers' hearts. With daily contributions from our Experts, we have a little something for everyone looking to create healthier lives. We're excited to offer our contributions to the PsychCentral community, and invite you to visit us on

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????Last reviewed: By John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on 25 Nov 2012
????Published on All rights reserved.

APA Reference
Experts, Y. (2012). 4 Tips to Help Your Marriage Thrive. Psych Central. Retrieved on November 25, 2012, from



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Researchers find evidence that brain compensates after traumatic injury

Researchers find evidence that brain compensates after traumatic injury [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 26-Nov-2012
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Contact: Kim Newman
Albert Einstein College of Medicine

November 26, 2012 (BRONX, NY) Researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University and Montefiore Medical Center have found that a special magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique may be able to predict which patients who have experienced concussions will improve. The results, which were presented today at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), suggest that, in some patients, the brain may change to compensate for the damage caused by the injury.

"This finding could lead to strategies for preventing and repairing the damage that accompanies traumatic brain injury," said Michael Lipton, M.D., Ph.D., who led the study and is associate director of the Gruss Magnetic Resonance Research Center at Einstein and medical director of MRI services at Montefiore, the University Hospital and academic medical center for Einstein.

Each year, 1.7 million people in the U.S., sustain traumatic brain injuries (TBI), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Concussions and other mild TBIs (or mTBIs) account for at least 75 percent of these injuries. Following a concussion, some patients experience a brief loss of consciousness. Other symptoms include headache, dizziness, memory loss, attention deficit, depression and anxiety. Some of these conditions may persist for months or even years in as many as 30 percent of patients.

The Einstein study involved 17 patients brought to the emergency department at Montefiore and Jacobi Medical Centers and diagnosed with mTBI. Within two weeks of their injuries, the patients underwent diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), which "sees" the movement of water molecules within and along axons, the nerve fibers that constitute the brain's white matter. DTI allows researchers to measure the uniformity of water movement (called fractional anisotropy or FA) throughout the brain. Areas of low FA indicate axonal injury while areas of abnormally high FA indicate changes in the brain.

"In a traumatic brain injury, it's not one specific area that is affected but multiple areas of the brain which are interconnected by axons," said Dr. Lipton, who is also associate professor of radiology, of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, and in the Dominick P. Purpura Department of Neuroscience at Einstein. "Abnormally low FA within white matter has been correlated with cognitive impairment in concussion patients. We believe that high FA is evidence not of axonal injury, but of brain changes that are occurring in response to the trauma."

One year after their brain injury, the patients completed two standard questionnaires to assess their post-concussion symptoms and evaluate their health status and quality of life. "Most TBI studies assess cognitive function, but it is not at all clear if and how well such measures assess real-life functioning," said Dr. Lipton. "Our questionnaires asked about post-concussion symptoms and how those symptoms affected patients' health and quality of life."

Comparing the DTI data to the patient questionnaires, the researchers found that the presence of abnormally high FA predicted fewer post-concussion symptoms and better functioning. The results suggest that the brain may be actively compensating for its injuries in patients who exhibit areas of high FA on DTI.

"These results could lead to better treatment for concussion if we can find ways to enhance the brain's compensatory mechanisms." Dr. Lipton said.

Dr. Lipton's Einstein and Montefiore coauthors are Sara B. Rosenbaum, B.A., Namhee Kim, Ph.D., Ph.D., Craig A. Branch, Ph.D., Richard B. Lipton, M.D., and Molly E. Zimmerman, Ph.D.


Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University is one of the nation's premier centers for research, medical education and clinical investigation. In 2012, Einstein received over $160 million in awards from the NIH for major research centers at Einstein in diabetes, cancer, liver disease, and AIDS, as well as other areas. Through its affiliation with Montefiore Medical Center, the University Hospital for Einstein, and six other hospital systems, the College of Medicine runs one of the largest residency and fellowship training programs in the medical and dental professions in the United States. For more information, please visit and follow us on Twitter @EinsteinMed.

Montefiore Medical Center

As the University Hospital for Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montefiore is a premier academic medical center nationally renowned for its clinical excellence, scientific discovery and commitment to its community. Montefiore is consistently recognized among the top hospitals nationally by U.S. News & World Report, and excels at educating tomorrow's healthcare professionals in superior clinical and humanistic care. Linked by advanced technology, Montefiore is a comprehensive and integrated health system that derives its inspiration for excellence from its patients and community. For more information, please visit and and follow us on Twitter @MontefioreNews.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Researchers find evidence that brain compensates after traumatic injury [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 26-Nov-2012
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Contact: Kim Newman
Albert Einstein College of Medicine

November 26, 2012 (BRONX, NY) Researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University and Montefiore Medical Center have found that a special magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique may be able to predict which patients who have experienced concussions will improve. The results, which were presented today at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), suggest that, in some patients, the brain may change to compensate for the damage caused by the injury.

"This finding could lead to strategies for preventing and repairing the damage that accompanies traumatic brain injury," said Michael Lipton, M.D., Ph.D., who led the study and is associate director of the Gruss Magnetic Resonance Research Center at Einstein and medical director of MRI services at Montefiore, the University Hospital and academic medical center for Einstein.

Each year, 1.7 million people in the U.S., sustain traumatic brain injuries (TBI), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Concussions and other mild TBIs (or mTBIs) account for at least 75 percent of these injuries. Following a concussion, some patients experience a brief loss of consciousness. Other symptoms include headache, dizziness, memory loss, attention deficit, depression and anxiety. Some of these conditions may persist for months or even years in as many as 30 percent of patients.

The Einstein study involved 17 patients brought to the emergency department at Montefiore and Jacobi Medical Centers and diagnosed with mTBI. Within two weeks of their injuries, the patients underwent diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), which "sees" the movement of water molecules within and along axons, the nerve fibers that constitute the brain's white matter. DTI allows researchers to measure the uniformity of water movement (called fractional anisotropy or FA) throughout the brain. Areas of low FA indicate axonal injury while areas of abnormally high FA indicate changes in the brain.

"In a traumatic brain injury, it's not one specific area that is affected but multiple areas of the brain which are interconnected by axons," said Dr. Lipton, who is also associate professor of radiology, of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, and in the Dominick P. Purpura Department of Neuroscience at Einstein. "Abnormally low FA within white matter has been correlated with cognitive impairment in concussion patients. We believe that high FA is evidence not of axonal injury, but of brain changes that are occurring in response to the trauma."

One year after their brain injury, the patients completed two standard questionnaires to assess their post-concussion symptoms and evaluate their health status and quality of life. "Most TBI studies assess cognitive function, but it is not at all clear if and how well such measures assess real-life functioning," said Dr. Lipton. "Our questionnaires asked about post-concussion symptoms and how those symptoms affected patients' health and quality of life."

Comparing the DTI data to the patient questionnaires, the researchers found that the presence of abnormally high FA predicted fewer post-concussion symptoms and better functioning. The results suggest that the brain may be actively compensating for its injuries in patients who exhibit areas of high FA on DTI.

"These results could lead to better treatment for concussion if we can find ways to enhance the brain's compensatory mechanisms." Dr. Lipton said.

Dr. Lipton's Einstein and Montefiore coauthors are Sara B. Rosenbaum, B.A., Namhee Kim, Ph.D., Ph.D., Craig A. Branch, Ph.D., Richard B. Lipton, M.D., and Molly E. Zimmerman, Ph.D.


Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University is one of the nation's premier centers for research, medical education and clinical investigation. In 2012, Einstein received over $160 million in awards from the NIH for major research centers at Einstein in diabetes, cancer, liver disease, and AIDS, as well as other areas. Through its affiliation with Montefiore Medical Center, the University Hospital for Einstein, and six other hospital systems, the College of Medicine runs one of the largest residency and fellowship training programs in the medical and dental professions in the United States. For more information, please visit and follow us on Twitter @EinsteinMed.

Montefiore Medical Center

As the University Hospital for Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montefiore is a premier academic medical center nationally renowned for its clinical excellence, scientific discovery and commitment to its community. Montefiore is consistently recognized among the top hospitals nationally by U.S. News & World Report, and excels at educating tomorrow's healthcare professionals in superior clinical and humanistic care. Linked by advanced technology, Montefiore is a comprehensive and integrated health system that derives its inspiration for excellence from its patients and community. For more information, please visit and and follow us on Twitter @MontefioreNews.

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Get Healthy with Chance Cianciola: Simple excercises can alleviate ...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Last week I talked about problems of the wrist and elbow and how many people deal with pain and discomfort on a daily basis. The wrist extensors on the top side of the forearm and the wrist flexors on the bottom side of the forearm are a large reason for these issues.


Imbalances, poor tissue quality, and overuse can all cause pain and discomfort at the joints above and below the forearm. If you are one of these people dealing with this pain you are probably asking ?Why are you still talking about the pain? Tell me how to fix it!? That is my intent for this article. I am going to give you ways to alleviate the pain and ways to fix the source of the problem.


Many times, pain at the joint is caused by poor tissue quality of the surrounding muscle. Restrictions, short muscles, and poor mobility cause extra pull on joints that is unwanted and can cause pressure and pain. With the cases of the wrist and elbow, restrictions at the forearm can be the culprit of pain.


As I mentioned last week, these restrictions may be caused by our daily activities such as typing, writing, or instrument playing therefore we must add daily remedies to help keep tissue quality good. One of the best remedies for this is massage. A massage therapist has the ability to improve tissue quality by bringing short, restricted muscles back to their desired length. The problem with massage is that it can add up to be an expensive habit.


An easier and cheaper way to get similar results would be that of self-myofacial release (SMR). SMR is a form of self-massage. Things such as foam rollers, lacrosse balls, massage sticks, etc. have been used in the fitness world for years now and have proven to improve tissue quality and joint mobility. In the case of wrist and elbow pain, using a lacrosse ball to massage the wrist extensor group and wrist flexor group can help ease the pain we battle daily with.


Wrist stretch. (Illustration provided.)

If you are experiencing pain on the top side of the wrist or outside of the elbow take a lacrosse ball and roll it along the top side of the forearm, applying pressure as needed. Perform this for 1-2 minutes, focusing on areas that feel ?knotted?. If you are one who is experiencing pain when gripping or on the inside of the elbow, use the lacrosse ball the same way on the underside of the forearm. After massaging the area perform stretches for about 20-30 seconds to help restore optimal length to the muscle.


Massage and stretching on a daily basis will help relieve pain and start to improve tissue quality; however, many times it isn?t only about tissue quality but also muscular imbalances. Again, depending on our daily tasks, one side of the forearm may be stronger than the other causing an uneven pull on the joints. Those suffering pain on the topside may exhibit weak grip strength, meaning the wrist flexors are lacking.


If you have access to a hand dynamometer, test your grip strength. The normal range for men is about 90-100lbs. of pressure and the normal range for women is 60-70lbs. If you find that your grip is below the norm start incorporating grip strengthening exercises into your fitness routine. Wrist curls, carries, and deadlifts without lifting straps can all help increase grip strength. Perform an exercise of this type in your routine 2-3 days per week and re-measure your grip strength every 4-6 weeks to track your progress.


Every day we are doing the same movements over and over again. These movements cause all kinds of imbalances and issues in our body. When developing a fitness routine, keep this in mind. Part of the reason to go to the gym is to counterbalance everything we do on a daily basis. Strengthen weak areas and lengthen short, restricted areas and live a less painful life. But remember, every day we cause imbalance so every day we must work on adding balance.


Chance Cianciola is owner/strength coach at the Complete Performance Institute in Louisville. While studying to get his master?s degree in exercise physiology, he spent time working with the strength and conditioning programs at the University of Louisville and the University of Kentucky as well as spend some time in rehab centers learning about movement . After graduating, Chance started working with the general public and has delved into the world of powerlifting as well. His philosophy consists of bringing the aspects of sports and powerlifting to the general population to teach people that it is OK to train hard and train heavy. For more info check out


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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

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Daily Kos: Student Loans - Big Business for the Government

The history of federal student loans. In 1965, Congress enacted the Higher Education Act (?HEA?). The HEA permitted the federal government to create two programs to help students finance higher education: the Federal Family Education Loan (?FFEL?) program, which dates back to the mid-60s, and the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program (?FDLP?), which began in 1994. The primary difference between the FFEL and the FDLP is that the FFEL guaranteed loans made by private lenders, while the FLDP authorized the federal government to loan money directly to borrowers. A more detailed history of the federal student loan program can be found here.

FFEL loans carried a variable interest rate. The program also allowed students to consolidate their loans into one loan with a fixed interest rate. On the other hand, FDLP loans carry a fixed interest rate. A fixed rate provides the government with more certainty for future budget calculations. In addition, fixed rates can lead to additional revenue for the government in times (such as now) when interest rates are low. For example, the interest rate on a 90-day T-Bill in 2009 was 0.21%, while the interest rate on Stafford loans for the same period was 5.6%.

In 2010, Congress passed the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act ("HCERA"). The HCERA eliminated the FFEL program altogether. By eliminating the middleman on FFEL loans (i.e., private lenders) the government projected a savings of $68.7 billion over 10 years. These savings were used to increase funding to the Pell Grant Program.

Why student loans are important. Over the last twenty years, the cost of education has risen dramatically. With it, the student loans issued or guaranteed by the federal government have increased in kind. In a recent article, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau stated that outstanding student loan debt has topped $1 trillion. According to the same article, students took out $117 billion in federal loans in the last year alone.

Despite the shocking sticker price, it makes fiscal sense to get a degree. Indeed, empirical evidence shows that higher education leads to higher pay. A 2002 report by the US Census called The Big Payoff tells us that workers with a high school diploma can expect to earn an average of $25,900 per year. College graduates can expect to earn an average of $45,400 per year. Workers with professional degrees (e.g., doctors, lawyers, and engineers) earn an average of $99,300 per year.

The government also benefits from educated citizens. Higher earners pay more taxes. More tax revenue means more money for federal and state budgets. Logically, Congress should use its legislative powers to encourage higher education through low cost student loans. Unfortunately, the opposite is true. Over the years, Congress?s student loan legislation has been consistently unfavorable to student borrowers, including the drastic step of making student loans non-dischargeable in bankruptcy. (11 USC 523(a)(8).)

Surprise! Student loans are not a risky bet for the government. A student loan is an unsecured debt, and most students have little or no assets when the money is borrowed. To combat the risk of default, the government uses prophylactic measures including loan forbearances and deferments. These tools allow borrowers to stop making payments during periods of financial hardship without defaulting on their loans. Borrowers, however, should only use this relief as a last resort, since interest continues to accrue and compound while the loans are not being repaid. This will result in a substantially higher principal balance that will ultimately have to be repaid by the borrower.

The government also uses punitive measures to combat default. These include: (1) making student loans non-dischargeable (with rare exceptions); and (2) garnishing Social Security payments. Under current law, Social Security payments can be garnished up to 15% until the federal student loan has been repaid with interest and penalties. (31 USC 3716(c)(1)(c).) Unlike private debts, the Federal government can garnish Social Security payments regardless of when the default occurred. Stated differently, there is no statute of limitations on student loans owed to the government. (20 USC 1091(a).)

Borrowers know (or should know) that they cannot escape their student loans through bankruptcy. Indeed, federal loans can and will follow defaulting borrowers into their retirement years and probably until death. As a result of the foregoing, collection rates on student loans have increased dramatically. The government can keep lending because it knows, sooner or later, it will collect.

All this means big revenue for the government.
The increased cost of education, the poor economy (less jobs = more students) and elimination of the FFEL program in 2010 created a perfect storm of student lending which has become immensely profitable for the government. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the subsidy rate for student loans disbursed this year is negative $37 billion. (Table 1.) In other words, the federal government will receive a positive cash flow of $37 billion on loans disbursed in 2012 alone. Administrative costs over the same period (including defaults) are less than $1 billion. (Table 4.)

The large negative subsidy is caused, in part, by the federal government charging borrowers high interest rates while market rates are low. The most glaring example is the PLUS Loan (Grad PLUS and Parent PLUS loans). PLUS Loans are for graduate and professional degree students, and become available once Stafford lending limits are reached. PLUS Loans currently carry a 7.9% interest rate, in addition to a 4% surcharge of the total amount disbursed each time a PLUS Loan is made. The result of these unfavorable borrowing terms is a whopping subsidy rate of approximately -60% on Grad PLUS loans and -51% on Parent PLUS Loans. Stafford loans are not much lower; the subsidy rate for Unsubsidized Stafford Loans is approximately -35%. The total subsidy rate for all new loans disbursed in 2012 is -30.5%. (Table 2.)

The government must treat students better. Under the current system, students who borrow money from the government to finance their education should expect above-market interest rates, no possibility of bankrupting out of the debt, and debt collectors following them until death if they ever default. In sum, students who take out student loans face a Hobson?s Choice: either accept the government?s awful borrowing terms, or go into the workforce without an education. ?

Why are students, who can least afford to pay, quietly treated as a profit center by the government? Why do our elected officials continue to pretend like the government doesn't make money on student loans? It's hard to say. It may be due to the lack of a strong student lobby in Washington D.C.

The government must treat student borrowers better. At a minimum, students who dutifully pay their loans every month should be given some form of relief, in the form of reduced interest rates or tax write-offs. In my next diary, I will discuss some ideas to start reforming the federal student loan program. Thanks for reading.


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Archduke Joseph Diamond fetches record $21.5M

(AP) ? Christie's auctioned off the Archduke Joseph Diamond for nearly $21.5 million Tuesday night, a world auction record price per carat for a colorless diamond.

The Archduke Joseph Diamond was the first of two out-of-this world diamonds being auctioned off this week in Geneva. Sotheby's on Wednesday will auction what it calls an exceptionally rare fancy deep blue briolette diamond of 10.48 carats expected to get up to $4.5 million.

Christie's kicked off Geneva's jewelry auctions, held in five-star hotels along the Swiss city's elegant lakefront, that seem a continent if not a world away from the grim austerity gripping much of Europe.

The Archduke Joseph Diamond went for $21,474,525 including commission at Christie's auction. That was well above the expected $15 million and more than triple the price paid for it at auction almost two decades ago. The 76.02-carat diamond, with perfect color and internally flawless clarity, came from the ancient Golconda mines in India.

The seller, Alfredo J. Molina, chairman of California-based jeweler Black, Starr & Frost, said immediately afterward that there were two main bidders and that he was delighted with the result. Molina said the winning bidder, who wished to remain anonymous, is going to donate the diamond for display at a museum.

"It's a great price for a stone of this quality," Molina told The Associated Press. "It's one of a kind, so it's like saying 'Are you pleased when you sell the Mona Lisa?' Or 'Are you pleased when you sell the Hope Diamond?' It's all what the market will bear, and the stone sold for a very serious price."

Named for Archduke Joseph August of Austria, the great-grandson of both a Holy Roman emperor and a French king, the diamond passed to his son, Archduke Joseph Francis, who put it in a bank vault, then to an anonymous buyer who kept it in a safe during World War II. From there it surfaced at a London auction in 1961, then at a Geneva auction in 1993, when Christie's sold it for $6.5 million.

It wasn't the only mega-diamond to go under the hammer at Tuesday's auction in the hotel room packed with well-heeled bidders. Beneath a row of three enormous chandeliers that cast panther-like shadows on the ceiling, the participants eagerly pounced at the jewels while competing with bidders from around the world calling in to Christie's employees seated in rows on both sides of the room.

But perhaps the buyers weren't entirely immune to the harsh financial climate in Europe ? or at least some Geneva version of it. Two plus-sized diamonds did not sell Tuesday night. A yellow diamond with 70.19 carats failed to sell because the final bid was 2.8 million Swiss francs, just slightly below the reserve price. A 12.16 carat pink diamond didn't sell because the final bid was 1.8 million francs, well under the reserve price.

On Wednesday, in addition to the blue briolette diamond, Sotheby's also is putting on the block a conch pearl, enamel and diamond Cartier bracelet that formerly belonged to Queen Victoria Eugenia of Spain that's expected to sell for up to $1.4 million.

The Archduke Joseph Diamond joins a long list of other fabulous jewels, watches and other luxury goods sold in Geneva. Here's a look at the city's most eye-popping diamonds put up for auction in recent years:


In May 2012, Sotheby's sold the 34.98 carat Beau Sancy diamond to an anonymous bidder for $9.7 million. Marie de Medici had worn it at her coronation as Queen Consort of Henry IV in France in 1610. Then the diamond passed among the royal families in France, England, the Netherlands and Prussia. It was sold by the Royal House of Prussia.

Sotheby's also sold for $3.87 million the Murat Tiara, a pearl-and-diamond tiara created for the marriage of a prince whose ancestors included the husband of Caroline Bonaparte, Napoleon's sister. Christie's auctioned off a 32.08-carat Burmese ruby and diamond ring that sold for $6.7 million, a world record price for a ruby sold at auction.


In November 2011, the Sun-Drop Diamond of South Africa, a giant pear-shaped yellow gem weighing 110.3 carats, sold for more than $10.9 million at auction, beating previous records for a jewel of its type. Including commission, the unidentified telephone bidder paid almost $12.4 million for the gem. Other lots at the $70 million sale included a white cushion-shaped diamond weighing 38.88 carats that sold for almost $7 million, including commission.


In May 2011, Christie's fetched $10.9 million for a 56-carat heart-shaped diamond that was internally flawless and $7.1 million for a 130-carat Burmese sapphire. Sotheby's got $12.7 million for a rare emerald-and-diamond tiara that a fabulously wealthy German prince, Guido Henckel von Donnersmarck, commissioned for his second, Russian-born wife around 1900. An intensely pink 11-carat diamond from the mines of India sold for $10.8 million.


In November 2010, a rare pink diamond smashed the world record for a jewel at auction, selling for more than $46 million to well-known London jeweler Laurence Graff. Four bidders competed for the pink diamond, which was last sold 60 years earlier by New York jeweler Harry Winston. The seller chose to remain anonymous. The 24.78-carat "fancy intense pink" diamond immediately became known as "The Graff Pink."

Associated Press


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Family debts mounted as Jill Kelley hosted lavish parties military | jill ...

Jill?Kelley, a Tampa, Fla., resident who poured her energies into throwing lavish parties for and hobnobbing with area military brass, is now linked to two of the nation's top commanders in a fast-moving scandal.

Kelley's exact connections to former Gen. David Petraeus and Gen. John Allen, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, are not yet clear. But federal investigators have said Kelley, 37, triggered the FBI's discovery of Petraeus' extramarital affair. According to a senior U.S. defense official, she also exchanged hundreds of emails with Allen, who has now been ensnared in the FBI probe into the matter.

In recent years, Kelley and her husband, Scott, had appointed themselves ad-hoc social ambassadors for military personnel at nearby MacDill Air Force Base, just a stone's throw from the Kelleys' mansion on Bayshore Boulevard.

The parties were how Jill and Scott Kelley eventually became friends with Holly and David Petraeus. It is also how Kelley came to be in regular contact with Allen. Both generals served as the top officers at U.S. Central Command, based at MacDill.

The social galas seemed to spare no expense, guests said, and often featured copious buffets, valet parking, string quartets, as well as premium cigars and champagne.

While they were throwing glamorous parties, the Kelleys racked up substantial debt, prompting banks to initiate foreclosure proceedings on two properties and other creditors to sue them for tens of thousands in credit card debt, according to court records filed in Hillsborough County District Court. Guy Coburn, a lawyer who represented the Kelleys in the civil suits, said he had not been authorized by his clients to discuss the cases.

On Tuesday morning, reporters in Tampa were staking out the Kelleys's two-story brick mansion, where contractors were piling up tables and fold-out chairs from a weekend party and moving them onto a pickup truck.

Jill?Kelley has not responded to requests for comment since her name surfaced as part of the controversy. On Sunday, however, a spokesman issued a statement on behalf of Kelley and her husband, saying: "We and our family have been friends with General Petraeus and his family for over five years. We respect his and his family's privacy and want the same for us and our three children."

In an interview, Jill?Kelley's brother said his sister had deep affection for Holly and Gen. Petraeus and that she never had anything but a platonic relationship with Gen. Petraeus.

"They were truly good friends for years," said David Khawam.

The Kelleys' party-giving had been a tradition for years, friends say, during and after Petraeus was commander of the U.S. Central Command from 2008 until 2010. The two couples developed a genuinely close bond. Kelley and her twin sister, Natalie Khawam, often went shopping and out to lunch with Holly Petraeus, friends said, particularly when her husband was on tour in Afghanistan.

In a 2011 custody battle involving Natalie Khawam and her estranged husband, David Petraeus submitted a letter on her behalf to the judge in the case.

Federal investigators have said Jill?Kelley's closeness to Petraeus ? captured in party pictures in local newspapers and online ? may have explained why she received harassing emails from Paula Broadwell, who was involved in an extramarital affair with Petraeus.

In addition to being invited to the Kelleys' parties, the Petraeuses had also been invited to intimate family gatherings. In one family photobook posted online, Petraeus is pictured grinning sweetly with the Kelleys' three young daughters. The caption from their 7-year-old daughter reads: "I was with General Petraeus. He was at my house."

Scott Kelley, a prominent surgeon who specializes in stomach cancers and works at the Watson Clinic in nearby Lakeland, told grateful guests of various parties that he and his wife felt a family duty to share their good fortune by showing support for the military.

David Khawam said his sister was a born giver, who early on channeled her charitable efforts into political fundraising and later to the military.

Khawam said that quality stemmed from the Catholic family's persecution in their native Lebanon, when Jill, David and Natalie were small children and their parents eventually fled to the United States. All three built productive new lives in America, with both David and Natalie becoming lawyers.

Jill?Kelley said in a local news interview that she had put aside her studies in medicine to follow her husband to a fellowship in Tampa and raise their children.

"We feel we owe everything we have to this country," said David Khawam, who practices law in Mount Laurel, N.J. "We're extremely patriotic."

Khawam said neither of his sisters had anything but a social relationship with David Petraeus. Friends agreed. Khawam also insisted that Kelley had no idea that complaining to authorities about harassing emails would lead to the discovery about Petraeus' affair with Broadwell.

One friend said of Kelley and her family: "If Jill knew it would result in harm to General Petraeus' career, they would never have complained."

A military officer who is a former member of Petraeus' staff said Kelley was a "self-appointed" go-between for Central Command officers with Lebanese and other Middle East government officials. She was a fixture at social and charity events involving Central Command officials in Tampa.

The officer said Kelley's presence was often a bit puzzling to the Petraeus staff but the officer said there was never any indication that her relationship with the general was anything more than social.

Aaron Fodiman, the publisher of Tampa Bay Magazine and a friend of the Kelleys, said people in the family's social sphere are shocked by the spotlight the FBI investigation has cast on the community.

"She is so gracious, so lovely," he said. "She's one of those people ? she walks in the room, and the room lights up."

- - -

Londono reported from Tampa. Washington Post staff writer Anne Gearan in Washington contributed to this report.



? Scandal widens; US general's emails 'flirtatious.'

? Petraeus case shows FBI's authority to read email.

? Timeline of events in Petraeus case.

? Petraeus shocked at girlfriend's emails to friend.


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Sunday, November 11, 2012

The benefits of serving ? Bankrate, Inc.

It's Veterans Day. If you or your spouse is a veteran, you're entitled to a variety of benefits that can make retirement more comfortable.

Those who served our country may be eligible to receive these four benefits no matter how long ago they were in the military. Practically all veterans qualify for two of them, and lower-income veterans qualify for all four, so make them part of your retirement planning.

Home loans: Veterans can buy homes with no down payment and the seller can pay some closing costs. The U.S. government guarantees the loan, so you don't have to buy additional mortgage insurance, which will lower your payment still more. Eligibility doesn't expire. Even if you have used a VA loan previously, as long as you no longer owe the debt (even if it ended in foreclosure), you probably can qualify for another VA loan. In general, VA loans have lower and more flexible income requirements, so you may qualify even if your income isn't high. There is no upper income limit to using this benefit.

Health care: Anyone who served in the active duty U.S. military and left with anything other than a "dishonorable" discharge is eligible to apply for veteran's health care benefits. There are income limits, but they can be surprisingly generous. Lots of veterans older than 65 find VA health care more affordable and better than Medicare. Especially if money is tight, it is an option that is worth exploring.

Long-term care: The VA's Aid and Attendance long-term care benefit is available to veterans over the age of 65 who served at least 90 days of active service, including at least one day during World War I or II, Korea, Vietnam or the Gulf War. You don't have to be a disabled veteran nor do you have to have served in active conflict. Spouses also are eligible in certain cases. There are income limits, but unlike with Medicaid, there are no look-back or divestment penalties. A doctor must certify that you need help with activities of daily living.

Burial in a national veterans cemetery. Veterans can be buried in one of nearly 140 national cemeteries at no cost to the family. You also may be eligible for a burial allowance. Make sure your family knows where your discharge papers are kept.


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